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Full-Time Co-op/FSWEP Opportunity | Center for International Digital Policy

AREAS OF WORK: The Digital Inclusion Lab is a team within Global Affairs Canada’s Centre for International Digital Policy. The Lab works on issues at the intersection of digital technology and foreign policy, with a human rights, democracy, and inclusion lens. The multidisciplinary team works in a creative, fast-paced environment, which requires flexibility and adaptability. The Lab collaborates with other government departments, non-governmental experts in civil society, academia and the private sector, and other states to address democracy and human rights in the context of digital technologies.

BENEFIT TO STUDENTS: The intern will have a chance to be part of a team that shapes Canadian foreign policy approaches through research and analysis. It will provide the successful candidate with the opportunity to learn about policy making and apply his/her academic skills to solving concrete policy challenges.

LOCATION: Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, the co-op/FSWEP term will be remote.

RATE OF PAY: Based on Treasury Board Secretariat guidelines for student employment.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Political science, international relations, development studies, conflict studies, gender studies, law, history, and other related fields.


  • Support the work of the Digital Inclusion Lab with research, analysis, and advocacy on key issues at the intersection of digital technology and human rights.
  • Assist in the organization and preparation of briefing materials (i.e., research notes, summaries, briefing notes, talking points) for high-level events and meetings.
  • Build external relationships that foster collaboration with academics, private sector, and civil society actors to amplify the relevance and potential impact of Canadian policy.


  • Graduate students with a full-time student status for the Winter 2022 term (January – April)
  • Knowledge of international relations and/or human rights and/or digital technology
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English and/or French
  • Highly developed research, organizational and analytical skills
  • Ability to prioritize work under pressure, both independently and within a team
  • Strong judgement
  • Strong ability to cooperate and collaborate with others
  • Strong attention to detail


  • Some prior knowledge of one of the policy areas of the Centre’s focus (emerging technology and geopolitics, internet governance, digital inclusion).
  • Understanding of the way technology impacts foreign policy or strong interest to learn more about these issues.
  • Strong knowledge of social media and digital technology and their impact on policy issues.


  • Canadian Citizenship
  • Securing the necessary security clearance

HOW TO APPLY: Please submit in a combined PDF file the following: 1) a cover letter that indicates how you meet the essential skills and qualifications; and 2) your resume in English or French to Please confirm in your cover letter that you hold Canadian citizenship and advise if you currently hold a Government of Canada Security Clearance (please specify which level).

CLOSING DATE: Wednesday September 29th

Laboratoire d’inclusion numérique : Stage à temps plein/FSWEP

DOMAINES DE TRAVAIL: Le Labo d’inclusion numérique est une équipe au sein du Centre pour la Politique Numérique internationale d’Affaires mondiales Canada. Le labo travaille sur des questions à l’intersection de la technologie numérique et de la politique étrangère, dans une optique de droits de la personne, de démocratie et d’inclusion. L’équipe multidisciplinaire travaille dans un environnement créatif et rapide, ce qui exige souplesse et adaptabilité. Le laboratoire collabore avec d’autres ministères, des experts non gouvernementaux de la société civile, du monde universitaire et du secteur privé, ainsi qu’avec d’autres États, afin d’aborder la démocratie et les droits de la personne dans le contexte des technologies numériques.

AVANTAGE POUR LES ÉTUDIANTS: Le stagiaire aura la chance de faire partie d’une équipe qui façonne les approches de la politique étrangère canadienne par la recherche et l’analyse. Le candidat retenu aura l’occasion de se familiariser avec l’élaboration des politiques et d’appliquer ses compétences universitaires à la résolution de défis politiques concrets.

LIEU: En raison des restrictions liées à COVID-19, le stage coopératif/FSWEP se déroulera à distance.

TAUX DE RÉMUNÉRATION: Selon les lignes directrices du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor pour l’emploi des étudiants.

FORMATION: Sciences politiques, relations internationales, études sur le développement, études sur les conflits, études sur le genre, droit, histoire et autres domaines connexes.


  • Soutenir le travail du labo d’inclusion numérique avec la recherche, l’analyse et le plaidoyer sur les questions clés à l’intersection de la technologie numérique et des droits de la personne.
  • Aider à l’organisation et à la préparation de documents d’information (c’est-à-dire des notes de recherche, des résumés, des notes d’information, des points de discussion) pour des événements et des réunions de haut niveau.
  • Établir des relations externes qui favorisent la collaboration avec des universitaires, des acteurs du secteur privé et de la société civile afin d’amplifier la pertinence et l’impact potentiel des politiques canadiennes.


  • Étudiants diplômés ayant un statut d’étudiant à temps plein pour le trimestre d’hiver 2022 (entre janvier et avril)
  • Connaissance des relations internationales et/ou des droits de la personne et/ou des technologies numériques.
  • Excellente communication écrite et verbale en anglais et/ou en français
  • Compétences très développées en matière de recherche, d’organisation et d’analyse
  • Capacité à hiérarchiser le travail sous pression, à la fois de manière indépendante et au sein d’une équipe.
  • Capacité de jugement
  • Forte capacité à coopérer et à collaborer avec d’autres personnes
  • Forte attention aux détails


  • Une certaine connaissance préalable de l’un des domaines d’action du Centre (technologies émergentes et géopolitique, gouvernance de l’internet, inclusion numérique).
  • Compréhension de l’impact des technologies numériques sur la politique étrangère ou intérêt marqué pour en savoir plus sur ces questions.
  • Solide connaissance des médias sociaux et de la technologie numérique et de leur impact sur les questions de politique.


  • Citoyenneté canadienne
  • Obtention de l’habilitation de sécurité nécessaire

COMMENT POSTULER: Veuillez soumettre dans un fichier PDF combiné les éléments suivants : 1) une lettre de présentation qui indique comment vous répondez aux compétences et qualifications essentielles ; et 2) votre curriculum vitae en anglais ou en français à Veuillez confirmer dans votre lettre de présentation que vous avez la citoyenneté canadienne et indiquer si vous détenez actuellement une autorisation de sécurité du gouvernement du Canada (veuillez préciser le niveau).

DATE DE CLÔTURE : Mercredi le 29 septembre

“Rooted in History: Representations of Ethiopian Identities in Canada” Public Lecture-Nassisse Solomon

Supervisor: Prof. Stephanie Bangarth


Prof. Robert Wardhaugh, Department of History
Prof. Nina Reid-Maroney, Department of History, Huron University College
Prof. Erica Lawson, Undergraduate Chair – Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
Prof. Michele Johnson, Associate Dean, Student – York University – Department of History

Chair: Prof. Michael Boffa, Department of Biochemistry

Please join us in supporting PhD Candidate, Nassisse Solomon, at her public lecture.

Date: July 28, 2021

Public Lecture: 10:00 AM, Remote via Zoom

Western University Event Calendar

The Disaster Lab

The Disaster Lab is a historical research project headed by CNHH member Laura Madokoro. The project explores the history of disasters and interrogates the role of migration and citizenship in how state and civil society actors have responded in times of strife.

Building on the Canadian Disaster Database maintained by Public Safety Canada, this project explores how disasters have been perceived, defined and addressed historically by the federal government in Canada while also considering the lived experience of disasters through the eyes of the communities, humanitarians, civil society actors and rescuers who shaped the short and long-term responses to tragedy.

Inspired by very real climate change crisis confronting our global community, and the prospect of hundreds of thousands of environmental refugees in the coming years, this project seeks to learn and better understand historic responses to disasters at the local, provincial, federal and global levels.

Supported by an Early Researcher Award from the Government of Ontario (2021 – 2026), this project invites a dialogue among scholars and communities interested in understanding the impact of disasters historically and how we might reflect upon our current and future circumstances.

The project will be launching soon. Details will soon be on the project’s official website.

Reimagining Humanitarianism in an Age of Global Solidarity

Interrogating Power Structures in Aid and Multilateral Institutions 

Thursday, 8 July 2021 

12.00-17.30 (Irish Time) 

Online, via Zoom 

What does it mean to embody a lived approach to global solidarity and equal partnership in humanitarian action and advocacy? This workshop, organised by Dóchas and the School of History & Philosophy at NUI Galway, brings together leading voices from the worlds of professional humanitarianism, diplomacy, activism and academia in conversation on three key areas: human rights, multilateralism and the climate crisis. The workshop is funded by the Irish Research Council (New Foundations grant).

Confirmed speakers include: 

  • Hugo Slim (University of Oxford) 
  • Sonja Hyland (Political Director, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) 
  • Bulelani Mfaco (MASI – Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland) 
  • Tara Rao (Our Ground Works) 
  • Nishanie Jayamaha (Programme Co-ordinator, Climate and Environment Change and Civil Society Space, International Council of Voluntary Agencies) 
  • Su-Ming Khoo (NUI Galway) 
  • Christopher O’Connell (Dublin City University) 
  • Margot Tudor (University of Exeter) 

Register here: 

Further information: 
Maria Cullen – School of History & Philosophy, NUI Galway – Vikki Walshe – Project Manager, Dóchas –

International Solidarity Now! Event.

On June 17, CFPI will be hosting “International Solidarity Now: A gathering for a more just Canadian foreign policy.”

This live event features presentations from Leap co-founder Avi Lewis, Halifax poet El Jones, and Toronto organizer John Clarke on the importance of international activism. The event will also feature short presentations from over a dozen organizations like MiningWatch Canada, Project Ploughshares, and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, highlighting how they are helping to build a more just Canadian foreign policy. 

Join us and hear from organizers across the country working towards a foreign policy based on peace and human rights.

Since Canada’s defeat in its bid for a seat on the UN Security Council there has been growth in critical foreign policy discussion & activism. But much more is still required. “International Solidarity Now!” is a gathering of antiwar, mining justice, and international solidarity organizations that aims to connect, strengthen and amplify our collective efforts. Join us and learn about Canada’s movement for a foreign policy based on peace & human rights.

Event is free and open to the public.

The CNHH is one of the many groups proudly participating in this event.

Follow this link to register or visit the website for more.

CNHH at Congress, University of British Columbia, morning of 6 June 2019

Thursday June 6: Sixth Annual Workshop and Meeting of the CNHH

Planning is underway for the sixth annual workshop and business meeting of the CNHH, which will take place during the morning of June 6, the first day following the Canadian Historical Association. Though we are still in the planning phase, the main event will hopefully be a discussion on the issue of “region” in Canadian activism around issues of international development and aid with the British Columbia CCIC, though the details still need to be worked out. Other issues we will discuss are: Continue reading

Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project Funds “Resilient Humanitarianism”

The project “Resilient Humanitarianism: the League of Red Cross Societies, 1919-1991” aims to advance the concept of resilient humanitarianism through a historical investigation of one humanitarian body, the League of Red Cross Societies, from its inception to the end of the Cold War.  Global humanitarian crises abound due to ongoing conflict and natural disasters, but nation states, bodies such as the United Nations, and humanitarian organization seem incapable of offering lasting solutions to intractable situations.  This project employs rarely accessed archives and an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the evolution of humanitarianism, voluntary action, and global civil society during the 20th century.  This historical analysis can then be used to inform humanitarian policy, debates, and practice in the present and the future. Continue reading

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