In a world threatened by a new wave of nationalisms, the centenary of the international organizations (1919-2019) offers to the wider public, students and scholars of various disciplines the opportunity of critically engaging the ideals promoting international cooperation and peace that led to the emergence of Genève Internationale.

The HION set up a virtual platform informing on initiatives that will take place before, during and after the centenary. We warmly invite HION members and non-members alike to add new events and publications related – directly or indirectly – to the Centenary.

All information you will submit, events and/or publications, will be visible and, we hope, will reach out all potentially interested people.

This platform aims at facilitating the exchange of information between researchers, archivists and other people interested by the work on the history of international organizations.

Registration is easy and free of charge. You will have access to the latest news, information about upcoming events, publications, and more. As a member you will also be able to upload photos, CVs, publications, and share your information within the network.

For further information, questions, or to register as a member, please visit the HION website or email