Location: 202 Tory Building, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

Audience: Anyone

Please join the History Department for a talk with Dr. Severyan Dyakonov, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, entitled “The Soviet Red Cross in 1950s-60s India.”


During 1950s-60s decolonization, the Soviet Red Cross aimed to establish hospitals in India as a model of socialist humanitarian aid. Soviet doctors—mostly women—integrated into Indian hospitals and medical schools to showcase the merits of socialism. The International Red Cross provided Moscow with a neutral humanitarian platform to engage non-aligned states while avoiding accusations of spreading Communist propaganda. Moscow instead used it to redefine humanitarianism itself—equating it with socialism.

Registration: https://carleton.ca/history/cu-events/the-soviet-red-cross-in-1950s-60s-india/

If anyone is interested in attending remotely, please use the following link: https://carleton-ca.zoom.us/j/6543041746