Tag: History (Page 1 of 2)

Historian, Meet Archivist: Researching the History of Complex Organizations

This post is cross-posted in partnership with ActiveHistory.ca

by Jill Campbell-Miller, PhD and Ryan Kirkby, PhD, MLIS


In general, historiography and historical methods courses do a good job in teaching students to be skeptical of their sources. As undergraduate and graduate students, we learn to scrutinize what we read, hear, or see. Yet while historians may be familiar with how to critique the sources themselves, rarely do we look up from a given document and examine the place where it is located, or think about how the document arrived in the archives. This is particularly true of written documents that emerge from government. Historians do not always critically engage with the organizational structure of the files, or think about how a certain structure came into being. This might seem somewhat “inside baseball” to historians, who usually leave such concerns in the hands of archivists. Exploring organizational descriptions on archival websites is not for the faint of heart, and rarely make much sense to the untrained observer. But considering these issues is important, because the history of how government departments change over time influences how documents come to be organized, influencing the history that emerges from this research. Continue reading

Welcome Visiting Scholars Dr. Kevin O’Sullivan and Dr. Valerie Gorin

The Department of History is pleased to welcome two visiting scholars to the department this spring, who will be visiting as guests of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History. Professor and departmental Chair Dominique Marshall will be acting as host during their stay and would be happy to facilitate any introductions.

Throughout the year, the Department hosts many visiting scholars and student researchers from all over the world. These accomplished visitors contribute to the Department in a variety of ways, including through knowledge transfer and collaborative partnerships, and by increasing the Department’s own international research reputation.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Kevin O’Sullivan and Dr. Valérie Gorin. Faculty members and graduate students interested in meeting with them during their stay can either contact them directly or contact Prof. Marshall.

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The Red Cross Compiles a History of the Organization through Objects


Walter Safety, the Canadian Red Cross water safety mascot, 1963.

This Canadian Red Cross digital history project provides all Canadians the chance to interact with over 120 years of Canadian Red Cross history and the opportunity to share their own Red Cross artifacts or items that have been part of their lives. The items and stories featured in this interactive online platform represent the many ways the Canadian Red Cross has mobilized the power of humanity to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Canada and around the world.Many of these items also represent in one way or another how all Red Cross programs and activities are guided by the Fundamental Principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality.

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Matthew Bunch Blogs on the First and Second World Food Congress

Matthew Bunch, member of the CNHH and founder of the Freedom from Hunger Project, recently made the Network aware of not one, but two blogs written and posted to his website.  The first, from 7 March 2016, discusses the First World Food Congress held in 1963, the conditions surrounding its creations, and its effects.  The second, published earlier this month, discusses the Second World Food Congress (1970) and the construction of youth as activist.  Both may be of interest to Network members and can be found via the provided links.  These are both posted to the Network’s growing resource list of Canadian Blogs and may, alternately, be found there.

My Visit to Plan Canada’s Head Offices in Toronto

By Carlos Uriel Contreras Flores



In this post I will let you know my experience in Toronto at the offices of Plan Canada, a visit I made last week.

Some weeks ago, Professor Dominique Marshall asked me to check some irreplaceable documents that Plan Canada had in their offices in Toronto, and that are part of the historical archives of the organization. These are basically letters and photo albums of some of their most important and lasting donors and sponsors.

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Second Canadian Workshop on the History of Humanitarian Aid

By William Tait

The Second Canadian Workshop on the History of Humanitarian Aid took place on 30 May 2015 at Carleton University in Ottawa.  The event built on a workshop held last year where historians  from across Canada, archivists from Library and Archives Canada and Carleton University Archives, a well as humanitarian practitioners from Partnership Africa Canada, Oxfam, and MATCH International Women’s Fund met to welcome Dr Kevin O’Sullivan from the National University of Ireland.  Kevin was a catalyst for the first workshop in 2014 when he travelled to Canada to conduct research.  In his latest book O’Sullivan has likened Irish and Canadian use of soft power through aid and development1.  Under the organisation of Dominique Marshall, Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Carleton and former President of the Canadian Historical Association, a website was created after the 2014 meeting to link a growing online collaboration of aid practitioners, archivists, and academics interested in preserving the history of humanitarian action both in Canada and elsewhere.  O’Sullivan returned to Carleton this year to brief the workshop and members of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History (CNHH) on developments in the field and to continue to expand collaboration with European partners.

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Welcome to the New Website


Welcome to the new website of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History: aidhistory.ca. In this website you will find the materialization of the wishes of the members of the network, who expressed their feelings and necessities on what the website should include during the Second Canadian Workshop on the History of Humanitarian Aid, which was held on May 30 2015.

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Looking Foward, Outstanding Things

By Rebecca Henfrey


Establishing a Program Mandate; what kind of deliverables are we looking for?

  • Knowledge Mobilization: One of the most important goals of undertaking these projects is demonstrating their practicality. NGOs want you to be able to show that the knowledge you gather has value and from there the community is invested. If there is a formulaic way to do this and potentially demonstrate how this can aid in funding, it can serve to work for both parties involved.
  • Methodology and Information Sharing: This network will be used to share syllabi, teaching resources and materials and workshops. Individuals will be able to blog about their teaching experiences and perhaps elaborate more upon their professional and practical experiences in this field, providing information on their methodologies
  • Networking and Twitter: Twitter can not only be used as a teaching resource, it can also be used as a platform to set up courses and integrate teaching about humanitarian agencies an NGOs into ‘mainstream’ courses as it allows professors to broaden their approach.
  • Module Development and Shared Classes: One potential project that can be undertaken by multiple individuals is the development of modules that can be placed in a classroom or workshop environment. It would be a helpful resource that could be provided to instructors without requiring them to do too much legwork.
  • Cultivation of Collaborative Discussion: The encouragement of collaborative discussion within the website’s forums was identified as a key priority for the program. Finding a way to connect individuals, whether that be for the purposes of scholarly feedback or discussion amongst students, researchers, instructors and other members is very important.
  • Growth of Membership: Once a critical mass of members has been reached, the chances of organizing a conference increase. Currently there is a sense of isolation due to the fact that this is a developing field. One proposed way to encourage membership numbers was to engage postgrad students. Because of the emerging and developing nature of this field, it has to be done organically, from the bottom up with engagement alongside deliverance of information.
  • Attendance of Conferences: Another mandate of this program was to reach out to other historians and practitioners in the field by attending conferences. CCI was listed as a potential
  • Establish methods of relationship buildlng

Final Priorities; as identified and recorded on whiteboard and through discussion

  • Establish and maintain trust between NGOs and Researchers
  • Keep distance and respect in these relationships
  • Look at models of partnership
    1. ODI
    2. Non-State Humanitarianism
  • Humanitarian history as a part of history of imperialism, globalization, development
  • Share readings, contacts
  • Organization of academic panels
  • Publication of special issues of journals
  • Establishment of international networks
  • Teach, supervise and discuss
  • Interest and organize volunteer work
  • Foster inter-disciplinarity in research and work
  • Workshop in NGO building next time?
  • Organize Archives/Research aids
  • Preserve archives
  • Identify content of photos
  • Identify and collect personal collections
  • Conduct oral histories
  • Present history of NGO website
  • Talks to create interest
  • History workshops for new NGO staff, to avoid mistakes and to raise funds

Future Website and Common Research Projects

By Rebecca Henfrey


Future website

The second Major discussion of the day centered on the creation of the network’s website. Shawn Antcil, a web developer and designer from Carleton University ran this presentation and recorded the feedback given by members. The following is a brief summary of considerations and proposals put forth by Shawn and other various individuals.

Highlights of Shawn’s Presentation

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