Tag: Conference (Page 2 of 3)

CfP: Imperial Legacies of 1919

Contact: imperial1919unt@gmail.com
Conference Date: April 19-20, 2019

CfP Deadline for Papers and Panels: December 31, 2018.

Roundtable Participant Proposal Deadline: January 31, 2019.

Undergraduate Student Poster Competition Proposal Deadline: February 15, 2019.


Journalist and author Shrabani Basu will provide a distinguished lecture on Indian soldiers related to her recent work: For King and Another Country (2015). Prior to the conference, she will also host a screening of Victoria and Abdul, a film based on her book of the same name. Historian of the British Empire Dr. Susan Kingsley Kent will provide the keynote address. Her esteemed works include Aftershocks: Politics and Trauma in Britain, 1918-1931 (2009); The Women’s War of 1929: Gender and Violence in Colonial Nigeria (2011) and The Global Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 (2012). Continue reading

History Inhabits Each of Us: Creative Engagements with Personal Story in Troubling Times

In October 2018, the Oral History Association will be gathering in Montreal for their annual conference.  CNHH member, Dr. Isabel Campbell, will be presenting a paper.  In addition, Dr. Campbell introduced the Network to the associated oral history and multimedia project presented in association with the OHA and Oral History at Concordia University.  Any member interested should visit the OHA website for information on their annual conference (October 2018 @ Concordia University, Montreal QC) or the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University for information on the multimedia project.  Likewise, the CNHH Event posting may be found here.

The program for this exhibition of the COHDS Research Centre at Concordia may be found here.

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CfP: Histories of the Red Cross Movement since 1919

Call for Papers General Announcement

13/14 June 2019

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

17 Chemin des Crets, 1209 Geneva, Switzerland

The years following the end of the Great War witnessed one of the great historical junctures in the history of the Red Cross movement: a moment at which the Red Cross’ institutional and normative structures, its technical capabilities and ambitions were transformed in ways that would profoundly affect its activities and outlook over the next hundred years.  This 2-day conference brings together historians and practitioners working on the Red Cross movement to debate the legacy, events, and ideas flowing from 1919 and to engage with contemporary issues and concerns of the broader Red Cross movement.  The conference will be addressed by two leading scholars of humanitarianism:

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CfP: Bridging Divides: Third Conference of the New Diplomatic History Network

From H-Announce via Jill Campbell-Miller

The Original Call for Papers can be found here.

24-26 October 2018

Roosevelt Institute for American Studies

Middelburg, The Netherlands


Naoko Shimazu (Yale-NUS College Singapore)

John Watkins (University of Minnesota)

The New Diplomatic History network focuses broadly on the historical study of diplomats, their methods, and their cultural, political and social milieux. New diplomatic history involves the study of individuals and groups who perform diplomatic roles (but who have so far often been ignored), and the use of perspectives and methodologies from across the social sciences to bring their significance into focus. The network reasserts diplomatic actors as important subjects of historical study while being open to innovations in the understanding of evolving international society.

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Canadian Council for International Cooperation – Call for Volunteers

French post to follow.

Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) – Call for Conference Volunteers

Date: September 27 to 28th, 2017 Ottawa

Are you passionate about International Development?

CCIC is looking for hard-working, dynamic, and dedicated volunteers to join us during our conference INFLUENCE INSPIRE INNOVATE – Realizing the Potential of New Policy Directions. As a volunteer, you can attend the conference events free of charge.

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CfP: “From Trauma to Protection: the 20th Century as the Children’s Century”

CALL FOR PAPERS – due 30 September 2017

Of all centuries, the twentieth is perhaps the one which most deserves to qualify as the ‘children’s century’ for the way in which the focus of social and political concern increasingly alighted on the figure of the child.

The period from the end of the 19th century witnessed a series of international developments affecting the discourses articulated around children’s rights to physical protection, health and well-being: from the multiplication of laws to protect them in the public and private spheres, to the rise of non-governmental organisations and associations to bring them relief from trauma, insecurity and maltreatment. At the same time, the twentieth century has gone hand-in-hand with increasing opportunities for children to experience such tragedies; and in both domestic settings (abuse or neglect) as well as wider geopolitical manifestations of violence (war and genocide) such anxieties have influenced the form and nature of the above responses.

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When Historians Meet Aid Workers and Policy Makers.

by Julie Van Drie

Reflections on the Conference, “A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950-2016.”

On December 12th and 13th 2016, the colloquium, A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950-2016  was held at the Lester B. Pearson Building, the main office of Global Affairs Canada, in Ottawa, ON. The conference involved an array of academics and professionals on the history of Canada’s foreign aid policies since 1950, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of Dr. Keith Spicer’s A Samaritan State?[1]  The conference featured 17 speakers, all of whom gave a presentation on a specific aspect of Canada’s humanitarian aid policy. With approximately 150 attendees, undergraduate and graduate students, research assistants, professors, academics, bureaucrats, ambassadors, and other distinguished guests gathered together in the impressive  Robertson Room at Global Affairs Canada to engage with this important field of study, and explore questions about Canada’s past role in foreign aid and development.

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Archives and Foreign Aid, A Workshop Summary

by Tyler Owens



On December 12th and 13th 2016, the conference A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950-2016 was held at the Global Affairs Canada Lester B. Pearson Building in Ottawa. The aim of the conference was to explore the development of Canadian foreign aid over the preceding 60 years. (In footnote: 2016 was also the 60th anniversary of the publication of A Samaritan State?, among the first scholarly analyses of Canada’s foreign aid policy, written by Dr. Keith Spicer.) Prior to the official opening of the conference, archivists, historians, and members of the aid sector from Quebec and Ontario gathered for a workshop session. The aim of this session was to bring together colleagues from all branches of aid history; those gathered were experts in the archival, library, and document management sciences related to the production, preservation, and use of archives on humanitarian aid. The workshop therefore facilitated the sharing of tips, procedures, and best practices for researching the history of Canadian aid.

The workshop took the form of seven presentations followed by a brief question period.

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CfP: History of Peacekeeping: New Perspectives DEADLINE EXTENDED

Call for Papers:

History of Peacekeeping: New perspectives
L’histoire du maintien de la paix: Nouvelles perspectives
Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario
November 3rd and 4th 2017


The organizing Committee for the conference is currently looking to fill a particular subject area – The role of NGOs in peacekeeping and peace support operations. If any one is interested we encourage submissions on this subject in particular from any perspective (historical, political science, sociological, psychological). The new deadline for submission is December 15, 2016.

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