Originally posted on H-Net.
Type: Call for Papers
Date: November 1, 2016
Location: China
Subject Fields:
Contemporary History, Economic History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, World History / Studies
Conference: 26-28 May, 2017
Shanghai University, Shanghai
Organized by College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai, and Graduate Institute, Geneva.
Call for Papers
Large part of international policies during the last two hundred years – at least – have been influenced by the idea of “development.” Though the term became an important part of the international discourse only after 1945, the concept is clearly older, rooted in the idea that socio-economic conditions would and should improve and that specific policies should be employed to bring about such improvements. Beyond this core, “development” has been a highly contested concept, whose constructed character has repeatedly been pointed out.
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