Tag: International Law

Announcement: Invitation to the 17th Summer School on International Humanitarian Law

L’Université d’Ottawa, le Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne et la Croix-Rouge canadienne sont fiers de vous présenter la 17e édition du Cours d’été en Droit international humanitaire (DIH) qui se tiendra du 25 au 30 mai 2025.

L’objectif de ce cours est de fournir aux étudiant.es et aux professionnel.les les bases du droit international humanitaire et la possibilité d’appliquer ces connaissances à travers des études de cas réalistes et une journée complète d’exercices de simulation.

Les candidatures d’étudiants universitaires, de fonctionnaires, d’organisations non gouvernementales, de journalistes et de toute personne désireuse d’en savoir plus sur le DIH sont les bienvenues. La préférence sera donnée aux participants ayant une expérience dans l’application ou la théorie du DIH, du droit international des droits de la personne ou du travail humanitaire. Les cours d’été seront dispensés par des universitaires et des experts canadiens et internationaux reconnus du ministère de la Défense nationale et du ministère de la Justice du Canada.

Veuillez noter que les formulaires d’inscription pour la 17e édition du cours d’été en DIH seront disponibles le 1er mars 2025. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez surtout pas à communiquer avec nous à l’adresse dih-ihl@uOttawa.ca.

The University of Ottawa, the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and the Canadian Red Cross are pleased to invite you to the 17th edition of the Summer School on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) that will be held from May 25th to 30th, 2025.

The aim of this course is to provide students and professionals with the fundamentals of international humanitarian law and the opportunity to apply this knowledge through realistic case studies and a full day of simulation exercise.

Applications are welcome from university students, government employees, non-governmental organizations, journalists, and anyone interested in learning more about IHL. Preference will be given to participants with a background in the application or the theory of IHL, international human rights law or humanitarian work. The summer school will be taught by leading Canadian and international scholars and experts from the Department of National Defence and the Department of Justice Canada.

Please note that the registration forms for the 17th edition of the Summer School on IHL will be available on March 1st, 2025. If you have any questions about the summer school, please do not hesitate to contact us at dih-ihl@uOttawa.ca.

Croix-Rouge canadienne | Canadian Red Cross &

Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne | Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa

Digital Pre-Panel I “Governing Humanitarianism – Past, Present and Future”

In preparation for the Herrenhausen Conference “Governing Humanitarianism” in 2022, two online pre-panels will take place on September 27 and 28. Scholars from various disciplines and practitioners in humanitarian sectors are invited to join this years’ online event.

In the last two decades, humanitarianism and human rights have crystallized as two flourishing fields of research within various disciplines. Both concepts have been the subject of a lively international debate among political scientists, legal scholars, and historians, concerning their respective histories, nature, and impacts. Humanitarianism and human rights are often presented as opposing terms, and sometimes even as rival concepts, by scholars advocates on both sides. Such definitions typically present humanitarianism as resting upon a discourse of charity and suffering, while human rights are based on a discourse of solidarity and justice. Yet despite their differences, both concepts also share some similar historical origins and developments. Perhaps most importantly, both embody entangled notions of humanity. Despite the academic efforts to draw clear line between them, the boundaries between aid, relief, and rights remain both blurred and complicated.

The main goal of this digital panel is to discuss this complex relationship from various disciplinary perspectives. Rather than highlighting the differences between humanitarianism and human rights, leading experts from political science, international law, and international history will focus on the manifold overlaps and links between the two fields. When and how did these concepts compete and reinforce each other? In what ways did the emergence of humanitarian norms influence and contribute to the global emergence of international human rights law? What entanglements, dilemmas, and tensions emerge out of various competing concepts of humanitarianism and global human rights? And finally, how does this entwined history influence our landscape of international politics and crisis management today?

The digital panel “Human Rights and Humanitarianism – a Complicated Relationship?” is part of the Herrenhausen Conference “Governing Humanitarianism – Past, Present and Future,” funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

A link to join the discussions will be published on the Volkswagen Foundation website at the beginning of September 2021. This digital pre-panel as part of the upcoming 2022 Herrenhausen Conference on “Human Rights and Humanitarianism – a Complicated Relationship?” will be held on 27 September 2021, 3:30-5pm. More information, including panel participants and bios, registration, and conference details can be found on the conference website.