The Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ) is seeking
submissions for its 28th and 29th volume, to be published in 2022/23. CFPJ
is a fully peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published by the
Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton
University, Canada. Readers include government officials, academics,
students of international affairs, journalists, NGOs, and the private
sector. Established in 1992, CFPJ is now Canada’s leading journal of
international affairs.

Full articles: 6000-7000 words;
Policy Commentaries: short policy briefings engaging key topics in international policy, 1500- 2000 words;
Book reviews: 1000 word maximum for single reviews, 2500 for multi-book review.
To begin the submission process: –
For Author Guidelines :
To submit a proposal for a guest edited thematic issue:
Please email inquiries to David Carment, Editor ( with the subject heading: “CFPJ – Call for submissions.”